Now, click on the OPD No of the patient for whom you want to add the vital details. Here, we will click on a random OPD number of a patient

After click on OPD No of the patient, patient Overview details page will be open, Now from the last right top side you can see the Vitals option is available

Simply click on Vitals; the Vitals form window will open. If you have previously added some details for this patient's vitals, you can see them on this page.

Now click on the Add Vitals button to add the patient's vital details, vitals window willl be open

Next, click on Vitals Name. A dropdown will open, and you can select one value from the multiple options. Then, enter the Vital Value and the Date. You can also add multiple fields of vitals for that patient by clicking on the add button and then saving it

After save the vitals details of the patient it will show in below

For Vitals Details of the patient in OPD - Out Patient there is a another way to reach the Vital option, simply go to the Paitent View page in the OPD - Out Patient

In patient view page on the last column Show icon are displaying while hovering the mouse on it

Now click on show icon patient Overview page will be open here you will see all details related to patient

Now, on the top right side, the Vitals option is available. Click on Vitals, and the Vitals page will open. Follow the same process as above to add the patient's vital details

Simply click on the Edit icon. The Edit Vitals window will open. Now update the details of the vitals and save, If you want to delete the vitals value of the patient, you can also do that by clicking on the Delete icon

After click on Save, Vitals details will be save succesfully