Please note that you must clear all the pending bill of the patient before discharge the patient. Now here you should enter Discharge Date, Discharge Status (Discharge status can be Death, Normal or can be referral if patient will be referred to another hospital or to consultant for further treatment), then enter Note, Operation, Diagnosis, Investigation and Treatment Home details then click on Save button.

Patient Discharge due to death - If the purpose for discharge patient is death then select Discharge Status as Death. After selecting status as Death there some more fields will automatically add in a form that are Death Date, Guardian Name, Attachment and Report so after fill these details click on Save button to discharge patient.
Patient Discharge for Referral - If the purpose for discharge patient is referral then select Discharge Status as Referral. After selecting status as Referral there some more fields will automatically add in a form that are Referral Date, Referral Hospital Name and Reason For Referral so after fill these details click on Save button to discharge patient.
To print Discharge Patient summary click on Print icon present at Discharge patient page.