Getting Started

General Overview

Using Smart HospitalBefore start using Smart Hospital consider a general scenario of typical hospital have different departments like Billing, AppointmentOPD, IPD, Pharmacy, Pathology, Radiology, Blood Bank, Ambulance, Operation Theatre, Blood Bank, Accounts, Admin etc. where we perform different patient and hospital related activities.Apart from above we also like to provide access to our Smart Hospital to different users like Doctors, Accountants, Pharmacist, Radiologist, Pathologist, and
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Configure Smart Hospital To Use In Local LAN Network

If you have hosted Smart Hospital on your local server and want to use in local LAN (Local Area Network) network then your Smart Hospital hosting machine should have static ip address (not be dynamic assigned by your modem DHCP). Here suppose your server hosting machine have ip address then when you are installing Smart Hospital you should type not localhost/myhospital/ in browser address bar otherwise you cannot access Smart Hospital from other computers in
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