Annual Calendar

How to add holiday in annual calendar on smart hospital?

To add a holiday to the annual calendar, go to the Annual Calendar module in your Smart Hospital system and click on it. The Annual Calendar page will open on the right side.Now go to the Add button, showing at the top right corner and click on it, Add window will be open In this window, you can see options for Type: Holiday, Activity, and Vacation. Simply select 'Holiday' by clicking on it, then choose the date when the holiday will occur. Add a description of the holiday, and if you want to
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How to add activity in annual calendar?

To add an activity to the annual calendar, go to the Annual Calendar module in your Smart Hospital system and click on it. The Annual Calendar page will open on the right side.Now go to the Add button, showing at the top right corner and click on it, Add window will be open In this window, you can see options for Type: Holiday, Activity, and Vacation. Simply select 'Activity' by clicking on it, then choose the date when the activity will occur. Add a description of the activity , and if you
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How to add vacation in annual calendar?

To add a vacation to the annual calendar, go to the Annual Calendar module in your Smart Hospital system and click on it. The Annual Calendar page will open on the right side.In this add window, you can see options for Type: Holiday, Activity, and Vacation. Simply select Vacation by clicking on it, then choose the date range when the vacation will occur. Add a description of the vacation, and if you want to display this vacation with details on the front site of your Smart Hospital, click on
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How to show annual calendar tab on front site of smart hospital?

To display annual calendar on the front site of the Smart Hospital, go to Front CMS > Menus. Here, you can see the 'Add Menu' form and the Menu List, which displays the Main Menu and the Bottom Menu. Click on the '+' icon in the Main Menu to go to the 'Add Menu Item' page.  When you click on + icon, this will redirect you to the Add Menu Item page.Here you can view Menu Item, External URL toggle
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