Released Date: 31 October, 2021
General Changes
- Operations moved OPD and IPD
- General Setting page design
- Email Setting updated
- Backup file name with current version
- Multiple specialist selection in staff
- Patient Discharge date is now selectable
- If ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is enabled then alert message will show at dashboard
- Patient death record directly comes from IPD/OPD discharge and patient will be deactivate and mark as dead
- At add patient form two field TPA ID and TPA Validity added
- Patient can upload documents in their timeline
Features Enhancement
- Added separate Billing module
- Added whole new Hospital Charges with Unit module
- Added Referral Commission module
- Added Appointment with doctor time slot module
- Added Patient Queue System
- Added Certificate and ID Card module
- Added Chat module
- Added Blood Component and improved whole Blood Bank module
- Added Captcha
- Added Findings in prescription
- Added Overview and Medication in OPD
- Added Overview, Nurse Notes, Bed History and Treatment History in IPD
- Added Nurse Notes
- Added Custom Fields in more than 20 forms
- Added multiple test add in single bill in Pathology
- Added multiple test add in single bill in Radiology
- Added Patient Dashboard
- Added convert Prescription to Pharmacy, Pathology and Radiology bill
- Added 4 new SMS gateway Bulk SMS, Mobireach, Nexmo and Africas Talking
- Added 6 new payment gateways CCAvenue, Flutter Wave, JazzCash, Billplz, SSLCommerz and Walkingm
- Added 4 new languages
- Added Prefix for bill and other numbers
- Added Nurse role as system role
- Added System Notification editable templates
- Added Audit Trail
- Added Patient History
- Improved whole Pharmacy Billing
- Improved whole Language Translation module with single string translation
- Added 7 new reports with many filters in existing reports
- Added Discount in percentage in bills
- Added RTL select for any language
- Added AJAX based datatable for performance improvement
- Added Tax based on tax category
- Added Mark Bed as Unused
- Added Bed Group color
- Added DLT template support for Indian SMS gateways
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Consultant Instruction new line text show
- Fixed can see another profile permission issue
- Fixed logo/images caching issue
- Fixed Doctor role permission issue
- Fixed medicine expiry report issue
- Fixed staff profile attendance show issue
- Fixed mailer library issue
- Fixed OPD payment delete issue
- Fixed Razorpay payment gateway issue
- Fixed Expense List showing only last 20 records issue
- Fixed Pathology test report/parameter edit permission issue
- Fixed Login pages favicon issues
- Fixed many design issues
- Fixed many responsive design issues
Important: Due to major structural changes and update in version 4.0 these OPD, IPD, Pharmacy, Pathology, Radiology, Blood Bank, Ambulance, Death Record, Appointment modules/features of older version 3.1 is deprecated now.