Released Date: 1st October, 2019

General Changes

  • IPD Bill notification message
  • Diagnosis and Timeline is now editable

Features Enhancement

  • Added Centralize Patient Management
  • Added Birth & Death Module
  • Added Notifications Module
  • Added Print Receipt in every module
  • Added Charges, Payment & Bill in OPD
  • Added Recheckup in OPD for Clinics
  • Added Prescription in IPD
  • Added Purchase Medicine in Pharmacy
  • Added Medicine Selection in OPD and IPD prescription
  • Added Manual Prescription in OPD
  • Added OPD Doctor charges
  • Added option to hide superadmin visibility to other users
  • Added medicine dosage for prescription
  • Added Move to OPD & IPD from Appointment
  • Added Move to IPD from OPD
  • Added Item Unit in Inventory
  • Added Purchase Price in Inventory
  • Added DOB (date of birth) in patient
  • Added %Discount & %Tax in IPD & Pharmacy Billing
  • Added Medicine Import in Pharmacy
  • Added Patient Import
  • Added Expiry Medicine Report
  • Added Income Group Report
  • Added Expense Group Report
  • Added Inventory Stock Report
  • Added Inventory Item Report
  • Added Inventory Issue Report

Bug Fixes

  • Removed image option from minimal editor
  • Fixed PHP Mailer bug
  • Fixed title tag and static logo in many external pages
  • Fixed Calendar & Datepicker localization
  • Pharmacy Generate Bill issue
  • Fixed general designs and ui issues